Saturday, January 24, 2009

TVCS is done

Well it was a long journey but she is done, with 3 barrels none the less!
More pics can be found here along with a list of all that was used:
Bottom of the page.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Progress on the TVSC *Twin Voltaic Steam Cannon*

Well It's been a while but i have some updates.
Finished the nozzle setup.
Added a interior glow to the main vented housing.
Changed the gauge box, painted it, added a light.
Made a kill switch, not what ya thought huh?
And layed the color on the main body.

Shes comming along, will have more pics soon.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Props to a fellow artist:

If your into artwork, then you need to check out Mike Amend. He deals with everything from pencil to sculptures and some of the most intricate clayboard carvings I have seen.

His artwork is amazing, and he's one heck of a guy! Check him out!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Twin Voltaic Steam Cannon a WIP

Well after the surprising popularity of my monoggle, I felt it was time to take on something a bit bigger. It started as a pistol idea, and evolved into a rifle, then into a heavy weapon. A back pack mounted steam engine is in the works as well.
You can follow it's progress here:
